Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Off to Russia!

Well at least the paperwork is. I have completed my Homestudy and first dossier, notarized and apostlled, and now sent to Russia. One more milestone complete. Now they need to be translated and registered with the MOE.

Baby steps to my baby!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Almost ready...

So excited to see an email from the agency today. It contained my 2 dossiers for my proof reading. Hopefully this means I will be able to get the finals next week with my Homestudy to take to Sac for apostilling.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My very first post

So I have officially become a blogger. Who knew this would happen?
After reading so many other adoption journeys I decided to record my own. I think that this could become a great way to record my journey.